Welcome to Community and Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC).

Developing, supporting and promoting voluntary and community action in the County of Conwy.


Retirement News - A Fond Farewell to Jan                                          Jan standard pic

After 26 years of dedicated service, Deputy Chief Officer Jan Smith is hanging up her lanyard and embarking on a well-deserved retirement. It’s not just the end of an era, but the end of a remarkable career filled with leadership, integrity, and unwavering commitment to CVSC and our local community.

Jan has been part of CVSC since the beginning and is respected and admired by all those who have had the pleasure of knowing her. The qualities she has brought to CVSC include a calm demeanor in high-pressure situations, unwavering support for the team as well as innovative approaches to problem-solving – and regular reminders to complete interactions on the CRM! 

But Jan's impact went far beyond her official duties. She fostered a sense of camaraderie, was always willing to mentor and support new staff and offer a listening ear to all and always rises to the challenges that working at CVSC throw at you when you least expect them!

Jan’s retirement is a bittersweet occasion for all of us at CVSC. We will miss her strong presence and insightful guidance. However, we take comfort in knowing that she leaves behind a legacy of excellence. She has inspired countless volunteers and staff and instilled in them the values of service, integrity, and compassion.

All of us at CVSC wish Jan all the very best in her retirement. May it be filled with joy, relaxation, and the pursuit of her passions. 

On a personal note, I am extremely grateful for all of Jan’s support – from my days as a trustee for CVSC, to joining the team as a member of staff during Covid and over the last year, when she encouraged me to take on the role of Chief Officer - she has been an invaluable source of support and guidance over the past few months.

For those of us who had the privilege of working alongside Jan we are not only saying goodbye to a leader, but also a friend and mentor. Her dedication and kindness will be deeply missed.

We offer our heartfelt thanks, Jan, You've certainly earned your retirement, and we know you'll continue to make a positive impact wherever life takes you next – we are certain there will be many requests from local organisations for you to volunteer for them!


Community and Voluntary Support Conwy
7 Rhiw Rd, Colwyn Bay LL29 7TG

  • Company Limited by Guarantee 3867751
  • Registered Charity Number: 1151397